Mississippi Scores:
Reforms Scored

Conviction Requirement
Is a criminal conviction required to forfeit property?
25 points

Financial Incentives
Does forfeited property directly benefit the seizing agency?
25 points

Does the state exempt small dollar amounts from forfeiture?
20 points

Due Process
Does the state require a prompt post-seizure hearing to determine
whether the property is subject to forfeiture? Do Administrative Forfeitures reduce due process protections? Does the state place limits or prohibitions on federal adoptions?
20 points

Are forfeitures in the state publicly reported?
10 points
State Overview
Mississippi has passed a law mandating transparency in forfeitures, compiling all seizures in a statewide database published online. The state has also eliminated administrative forfeitures.
Property can be forfeited without a criminal conviction, based on a preponderance of the evidence. There are no exemptions for small dollar seizures and no limits on federal adoptions. A post-seizure hearing is not required, although seizing agencies must secure a seizure warrant from a judge. Seized property remains in the possession of the seizing department, establishing a direct monetary incentive for law enforcement to seize property.

Conviction Requirement
A criminal conviction is not required to forfeit property in Mississippi. After property is seized, district attorneys file a petition for forfeiture in the county where the seizure is made, and the forfeiture is handled as a civil matter.
0/25 points

Due Process
Mississippi law does not require a prompt post-seizure hearing, but it does require that seizing agencies obtain a seizing warrant from a judge, who must determine whether probable cause exists to seize the property. The state has eliminated administrative forfeitures. Mississippi law does not prevent federal adoption of forfeiture proceedings, allowing seizing agencies to easily bypass safeguards by pursuing forfeitures in the federal system.
15/25 points

Financial Incentives
Mississippi law allows the seizing agency to retain 80% of the proceeds of forfeited property, and requires the remainder to be deposited to the state general fund. If more than one agency was involved, then 80% is directed to the primary agency and 20% to the secondary agency. This creates a monetary incentive for agencies to pursue forfeitures.
The state could require that all funds be directed to the state to ensure that incentives are aligned correctly, and that law enforcement agencies are funded adequately based on their needs, not their ability to forfeit property.
5/20 points

Mississippi does not exempt small dollar amounts from forfeiture, making it financially disadvantageous for property owners to exercise their constitutional rights.
0/20 points

Mississippi implemented a transparency provision in 2017, requiring all seizing agencies in the state to submit documentation to the state Bureau of Narcotics, who maintains an online database of seizures.
10/10 points

Reported Information includes the following:
1. Miss. Code Ann. § 41-29-177
2. Miss. Code Ann. § 41-29-181
3. Miss. Code Ann. §41-29-153
4. Mississippi Forfeiture Database, https://www.forfeiture.ms.gov
5. Miss. Code Ann. § 41-29-107.1